April - June 2014
By Brandon Gomez and Lyla Stone
A 2D platform game that sets place in an environment where light is the enemy, and shadows are the safe zone. The objective of the game is for the main character, to shoot blocks to create shadows, avoid enemies, and jump across barriers to reach the end of the level without losing all of his life. The background of the game appears to be a mountainous area with the sun scorching down on top. The main character is a plant-type figure that essentially lives through "anti-photosynthesis." The main player has unlimited blocks that can be shot out to connect with other blocks, in order for the character to create shadows and eventually make it across to the end of the level.
Role: I created the art direction, sprites and level design. In addition, I programmed the player, enemies, and a way for the game to know if the player is direct sunlight. Also, the game takes in consideration if the player built a structure over themselves to protect from the sunlight.