March 2016
By Brandon Gomez, Jolina Lam, Remingtion Maxwell, and Darion Toney
There are many apps that allow users to view and post news and gossip, but these apps don't always allow users to get this information by location. With our app, users can post and view "Overheards" near their current location or any other location that they choose on our Google Map. Users can also filter these overheards by selecting "News", "Events", "Buzz", "Gossip", and "Humor". By including all of these categories, we hope that Overheards will seem attractive to a wider audience of users who can use our app in whatever way they please. Did you overhear someone say something interesting? Post it in Gossip. Want to host an event? Post it in Events. Someone breaking into houses on your street? Post it in News. Something funny happen to you? Post it in Humor. Wondering why police are all over campus? Post it in Buzz.
Role: Integrated Google Maps, implemeted the posting and getting of information from the database, implemented the proper querying of the database depending on the current activity, and created the overall look and aesthetic.